The agency is very young. Formally created in July 2010, we realized the first event in Arezzo, November 2010: a conference on renewable energies for the Collegio dei periti industriali e periti industriali laureati della Provincia di Arezzo to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

All 6 founders of Vaegas have a long experience in the fields of organizeing and communicating events, mainly in a cultural context. Please find here below a list of past and present activitites:

– Arezzo Wave Italia Foundation (production, communication, international relations, accommodation for Arezzo Wave/Italia Wave Love Festival)
Libera Accademia Belle Arti Firenze (teaching)
– AI,
Accademia Italiana Firenze (teaching)
– Cultural association Nausika
(production of Festival “Narrazioni”, “Arezzo Festival”, “Arezzo Poesia”)
Management agency Supermagico srl (web communication, public and international relations for the Italian music band Negrita)
– University of Siena, department of Arezzo and Polo Universitario Aretino: (teaching, communication)
– Association Rondine Cittadella della Pace (events production, communication)
– Cesvot (communication of “Festival italiano del cinema sociale”)
– Accademia dell’arte di Arezzo (teaching)
– Agenzia di formazione Pratika (teaching)

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